Tuesday, May 20, 2008

500 reasons...

To cheer and congratulate gautam who is looking gambhir (serious) to crack open one available spot at top of india test team...

infact delhi dare devils (3Ds) should bow to him that despite sehwag captaining them 'brilliantly' they can still dream a place for semifinals!!

his consistency of late is remarkable for a guy who was susceptible to moving ball...that too for an opener he is...but he seems to have worked very hard on his technique without loosing out an iota of his flamboyance...

his feet are moving nicely, surely but positively...

it doesn't harm him any bit that he is one of the best (if not best) player of spin today...

another remarkable difference is...now he seems to carry on the start he was guilty of throwing away in past...

lessons learnt hard way but learnt anyway...

i think jaffer is going to be first casualty of IPL...with GG being the beneficiary...

not by default though...but for knocking at the door till its wide and invitingly open...

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