Sunday, July 20, 2008

Asif lawyer wants extension in 'B' Sample testing

The Lawyer of beleaguered Mohammad Asif is seeking adjournment of Asif's 'B' sample testing in Switzerland.

Shahid Karim advocate said "I am making a request to the Indian Premier League (IPL) officials that since Swiss Embassy in Islamabad takes 3-4 weeks to process Visa, it will not be possible for Mohammad Asif and his Lawyer to reach Switzerland on 28th, July to be present in the concerned LAB at the time of examination of Mohammad Asif's "B" Sample."

Shahid Karim said that "I am requesting the IPL to mover forward the B testing date after Mid-August so that we can acquire Swiss Visa."

Asif is accused to have failed the dope test during IPL in May. His test shows traces of Nandrolone to the quantum of 6 nenograms that is beyond the accepted limit of 2 nenograms.

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